Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ronald McDonald House Update

Ronald McDonald stopped by on Monday to collect the pop tabs our school has been collecting since the beginning of Lent.  Our Lenten collection exceeded our goal of 35 pounds and topped out at 75 pounds of tabs.  We combined our Lenten collection with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade's collections from last year and earlier this year to make a grand total of 229 pounds! That is 292,204 tabs, which pays for a family to stay at the Ronald McDonald House for seven nights. What a great job! We have decided to join the intermediate students with their pop tab collection so we can continue to help families at the Ronald McDonald House. You can continue to send in your tabs to the school and we will store them until we fill up another tote. Ronald said he would come back to collect our tabs all we need to do is call.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day! It is such a treat to work with such great kids and families. Relax and enjoy your day.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Spring Program

Mark your calendars for this year's K - 5 Spring Program.  The students will be performing some of the songs they have been working on in class.  There will be a 1:00 and a 6:30 performance.  Looking forward to seeing every one at the show.

Image result for spring sing

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Thank You

It was so great to see you all at this year's Science Fair!  The kids were so excited to share their skeletal projects and lung experiments. They also liked walking around and seeing what the older kids worked on too. The overall opinion, was that the Mad Scientist was the best, especially when he lit the tiny pieces of paper on fire. It was a great time and a great job done by all of the kids. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Science Fair

Thursday, April 23rd 6:00pm
Come One and All to the St. Mary School
Science Fair!

Everyone is encouraged to attend!

Image result for science fair

All grades will showcase either individual or group projects that are science related. Each student has had a part in creating something to display at Science Fair. Please attend with your family to see your students’ contributions.

Special Performance: “Fire and Ice” by Mad Science at 6:30pm.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Spring!

It is official, shorts are allowed as part of the student uniform. The students are now allowed to wear shorts to school.  Remember, that it is still pretty cold in the morning when we line up outside or go out for morning recess.  The predicted warm temps are not usually reached until late in the day.  It is a good idea to keep to keep an extra sweater or sweatshirt in the locker or  back pack for those chilly mornings. Also a reminder that all shoes worn to school must have backs on them.

Image result for spring

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Spring is here!

Yeah, Spring has arrived!! We have enjoyed the wonderful mild weather and are looking forward to more to come. We have sent home the boots and snow pants in exchange for spring jackets.  It still might be a good idea to keep an extra sweater or sweatshirt in your child's locker for those chilly mornings.  The boiler doesn't run as often it can get a little chilly in the morning. Also, the first day for shorts to be worn to school, is April 1st.

Image result for spring clip art

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Salad Luncheon

Don't forget to mark your calendars for Friday, March 13th for Saint Mary's Annual Salad Luncheon. Invite your friends, family, and co-workers to attend our Salad Luncheon.  The lunch consists of an assortment of pasta, fruit, and vegetable salads along with salmon loaf and spinach lasagna for the main course.  To top off the delicious meal, a host of delicious desserts will be available.  Hope to see you there.

 Image result for Salad luncheon

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Pop Tabs

Don't forget to keep saving those pop tabs!  We are trying to collect 35 pounds of pop tabs to donate to the Madison chapter of the Ronald McDonald House.  We will be collecting the pop tabs until March 27th.  Ronald himself is scheduled to come and collect all of our pop tabs after Spring Break. You can even ask your friends, family,neighbors to help our cause.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


The Lenten season has begun. During these forty days, we prepare ourselves for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday through prayer, fasting, and alms giving. Our theme this year is “Let’s Grow into Lent.” We will be participating in many different activities to grow closer to Christ during the season.

Let's Grow Into Lent

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Parent/ Teacher Conferences

Don't forget Parent/Teacher conferences are this week Wednesday and Thursday.  All staff members will be set up in the gym on Wednesday evening from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  If you are unable to attend conferences, please contact me to set up another time for us to meet.  I am available most days right after school until 4:30.  I look forward to seeing you and sharing your child's work with you.  The students have been working very hard and are excited to show you all they have learned.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

100's Day!

Believe it or not, the first graders have been in school almost 100 days.  It seems like we were just unpacking our supplies and getting started, how quick the time goes.  We will 100's Day with the kindergartners and second graders on Friday, February 6th.  The students will be rotating through several different learning stations  centered around the number 100. We will end the day with a special 100's Day snack.  Be sure to ask your child about their day.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy Catholic Schools Week!

It is finally here!  This week seems to be the kids favorite time of the year.  Here is a brief run down of the weeks events.

Sunday:  10:30 Mass followed by an Open House at school (open to the public). Bring a friend and show them what wonderful things we do at St. Mary's

Monday: Pajama Day and a free pancake lunch for all students
Tuesday: Neon Day and bowling at River's Edge Bowl in the afternoon
Wednesday: Twin Day and Mass
Thursday: Super Hero Day
Friday: Spirit Day and Spaghetti Dinner from 5-8

As our service project for Catholic Schools Week, we will be competing in a Penny War with the other Catholic Schools in Janesville in grade level teams of Pre-K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 not individual schools to help raise money for Camden Playground.  The grade level team with the most money will win a play day at the playground and park.  Bring in your spare change to help out!

Thank you for all of your support for our fabulous school, we make a great team!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Welcome Back!

We were finally able to have a full week together.  Looking ahead, it seems the weather is going to cooperate for another great week.  Please remember to send all of the necessary snow gear for recess.  The kids are having a great time building various snow forts and hideouts in the snow hills.  It is wonderful to see all of the teamwork that is involved in the process.