
Snack Time

The first graders are invited to bring a mid-morning snack to eat while we are working.  Each child is responsible for his/her own daily snack.  The snacks should be nutritious-such as pre-cut fruit/veggies, graham crackers, granola bars or pretzels rather than “sweet treats.”  In addition to being nutritious, we ask that the snacks be easy and neat to eat, as the children are often finishing up class work as they are eating.  Please keep snacks to individual servings rather than keeping a large bag or box in the locker.  Opened bags or boxes quickly become stale and lead to students eating portions larger than a serving size.  Thank you for your cooperation.  

Reading Book Bags

This year the first graders will be bringing home a series of take home books and activity packets.  The books are a very important part of the student’s reading experience.  Each new book uses a controlled vocabulary to practice phonics skills as well as reading and decoding strategies.  In addition to the current take home book(s); your child may also have other books or reading materials in the reading bag to work on during the week.

 I am asking for your cooperation in helping your child become a better reader.  As new books come home at the beginning of the week, the students are to practice reading the selections and vocabulary each night as well as complete the enclosed worksheets.   At the end of the week, a parent should sign the back cover of the take home book verifying that you have read the story with your child during the week.  Please return all reading materials and worksheets from the current week in the provided bag on Fridays.  The students will collect the take home books in their classroom book box to create their own personal library. 

Enclosed with the first week’s materials, you will find a reading-coaching sheet.  This sheet is a helpful resource for you to use when helping your child read any reading material.  The sheet gives hints to help your child decode unknown words.

Thank you again for your cooperation and have fun reading.